Ye Ole Survey Monuments

Additional Statistics

The Ye Ole Survey Monuments statistics were last updated on 06 October 2024
Our database is updated every week, but refreshed on the website on the first weekend of each month.

If we have missed your cache out, this could be because we have not been able to automatically retrieve your listing. Please contact us to get your listing manually added to our database. Our database is updated every week, but refreshed on the website on the first weekend of the month.

Check out the Ye Ole Survey Monuments Additional Stats below!

Some Numbers on Placed caches
Nearest Ye Ole Survey Monuments placed: YOSM #0001 Failand GC76962 United Kingdom
Furthest Ye Ole Survey Monuments placed: 505.28 Miles, YOSM #0881 Tom A Mhile GC5DPJR United Kingdom
Most Northerly Ye Ole Survey Monuments placed: N 58° 36.076, YOSM #0871 Hill Of Lybster GC63Z18 United Kingdom
Most Southerly Ye Ole Survey Monuments placed: N 50° 03.990, YOSM #1019 Roskruge Beacon GCAPD60 United Kingdom
Most Easterly Ye Ole Survey Monuments placed: E 0° 43.420, YOSM #1140 South Bodney GCAV1P6 United Kingdom
Most Westerly Ye Ole Survey Monuments placed: W 6° 45.399, YOSM #0902 Waterstein Head GC5CBCK United Kingdom
Ye Ole Survey Monuments centroid: N 54° 34.735 W 2° 46.870
Youngest Ye Ole Survey Monuments placed: 02/09/2024, YOSM #1157 Kilton Forest Farm GCAWPXR United Kingdom
Oldest Ye Ole Survey Monuments placed: 01/06/2002, YOSM #1009 Pen-Y-Ghent GC5EF2 United Kingdom

True Ye Ole Survey Monuments by Miles from Ye Ole Survey Monuments #1
  Number Percent  
< 5 1 0.23 %
5 - 10 0 0 %
10 - 15 0 0 %
15 - 20 1 0.23 %
20 - 25 2 0.46 %
25 - 50 15 3.50 %
50 - 100 26 6.07 %
100 - 250 195 45.5 %
250 - 500 185 43.2 %
> 500 3 0.70 %

Average Distance: 250 Miles

Placed Ye Ole Survey Monuments by Type
  Number Percent  
Traditional 290 67.7 %
Multi 51 11.9 %
Mystery 48 11.2 %
Letterbox 21 4.90 %
Earth 8 1.86 %
Virtual 7 1.63 %
Wherigo 3 0.70 %

Ye Ole Survey Monuments caches by Difficulty Rating

Ye Ole Survey Monuments caches by Terrain Rating

Ye Ole Survey Monuments Cache Difficulty / Terrain Chart
Difficulty 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
1 12 3 1 2 8 1 27
1.5 2 70 34 33 19 13 14 2 2 189
2 1 11 27 28 31 15 11 3 1 128
2.5 4 5 5 9 9 2 3 2 39
3 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 19
3.5 5 1 1 2 9
4 1 1 3 2 7
4.5 1 1 1 3
5 1 2 4 7
3 105 73 73 64 45 42 10 13

53 Diff/Terr combinations placed, out of 81
193 (45%) placed Ye Ole Survey Monuments were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater

Ye Ole Survey Monuments caches found by Found Date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Jan 77 64 53 41 26 34 33 23 32 16 24 20 27 11 21 14 18 18 25 16 22 27 33 28 15 12 32 37 32 20 26 877
Feb 17 26 34 30 32 19 33 20 26 26 23 39 28 33 30 45 41 31 55 49 37 36 29 25 39 35 36 44 11 X X 929
Mar 31 23 34 45 31 56 35 31 39 22 41 39 44 39 27 45 40 44 57 58 48 52 45 51 90 50 46 54 40 60 40 1357
Apr 93 65 49 53 72 59 78 92 78 90 65 59 72 63 72 67 67 182 119 91 66 84 61 89 65 63 67 67 67 61 X 2276
May 76 113 68 79 111 76 85 68 81 68 71 75 100 66 120 78 72 91 78 94 71 82 67 95 98 83 106 81 83 107 110 2653
Jun 113 92 86 95 60 59 83 75 98 62 73 57 52 65 90 57 58 82 83 107 129 87 86 55 78 83 90 62 90 109 X 2416
Jul 66 84 62 53 69 78 80 87 67 73 97 76 82 72 70 67 76 67 66 100 129 78 71 85 100 67 84 119 95 119 147 2586
Aug 105 97 87 81 91 97 91 89 127 86 85 78 92 87 82 67 80 77 92 91 67 93 70 90 87 107 82 101 95 106 88 2768
Sep 88 59 62 55 63 63 66 71 54 61 88 68 84 85 66 62 59 53 65 64 60 89 46 41 68 52 41 65 61 49 X 1908
Oct 46 52 44 26 30 45 38 40 40 58 57 33 39 49 40 43 53 50 48 41 32 53 47 30 58 32 36 53 54 39 22 1328
Nov 34 32 25 22 30 33 25 22 18 32 23 44 21 31 28 35 26 30 29 25 24 38 21 31 19 23 29 23 18 26 X 817
Dec 14 21 11 21 13 15 11 20 18 5 17 13 12 30 23 12 15 11 15 19 21 15 12 19 12 37 36 50 44 49 56 667
760 728 615 601 628 634 658 638 678 599 664 601 653 631 669 592 605 736 732 755 706 734 588 639 729 644 685 756 690 745 489

366 Found Dates, out of 366 (100%)

Placed caches found by Weekday
9062 Weekend Finds (44%) : 11520 Weekday Finds (56%)

Placed caches found by Month